Rocker Locks

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these work on all 3.7 & 4.7 all years dodge,ram,jeep,durango,Dakota all Chrysler products with these motors.
The only problem I have found with rockerlocks is I never have no repeat customers [except auto shops], because once they buy these they never have another problem.
[watch video at bottom]
Rocker locks are a spring clip designed to hold the rocker arms in place on the Dodge Ram, Durango, Dakota & Jeep 4.7 V8 and the 3.7 V6, to alleviate the problem of falling rockers. This is a non moving part it just sits on the rocker arm & moves with it & holds the rocker arm in place.
I had this problem with my 03 Ram 4.7 & found out after calling around all the way to Chrysler corp that no one had a fix for it. So I set out to find one & I did, I designed a spring clip & put it on the 2 rockers [that fell off 3 times in 3 weeks]. I have had no problem since I installed the rockerlocks, The rockerlocks have been on now for about 4 months & 5,000 miles , the rocker arms are still on with no problems, these really work. It's now been about 6 months & around 8,000 thousand miles still running with no problems. Call me today if you are having problems or have questions, I now have my patent and am ready to sell & to help others with this problem. Let me help you save your truck as I did mine. Without these rocker locks my truck was junk. They saved my truck that I love and they are very affordable. Price is $15.00 ea or $12.00 ea in a full set. For a set of 12 for 3.7v6 or 16 for 4.7v8. That's only $144.00 or $192.00 a set. This is a very low price to pay to save your beautiful truck and to get you on the road again. It cost me much more developing these for my truck & worth every penny.I've been told it costs about $1,500.00 to have your heads rebuilt & almost always the same problem still persists. Call today be back on the road in no time. Any questions call Jim 816-274-2730. Feel free to leave a message if I no answer feel free to go email [] & leave comments or questions on the product. I guarantee these really work. This is the [best & only way] on how to fix rocker arms falling off that I have found [actually the only way]. Over 10,000 miles and counting and still running strong. These are all hand made: cut,drilled,bent to shape & heat treated to spring steel quality they are very tough. Order your rockerlocks today, be back on the road tomorrow. [We have now sold thousands of rockerlocks with no complaints! This tells me they are working great for everyone.]WE are sure these will fix your problem of rocker arms falling off.
. Also there is a minimum order of 2 pieces due to shipping & handling expenses.
[To order scroll down click on option you want at bottom of page then click buy now.]
Just wanted to let everyone know' both [mopar & wix oil filters] have check valves built in to hold the oil in the oil pump after shut down.So I would suggest using one of these filters no matter what you drive.This gets the oil pumping quicker on startups & helps protect your motor.
letters from happy customers
when asked did rockerlocks solve your problem
Sheldon-Canada-auto shop owner
So far so good. The only problem that we found was that the top part of the clip could be a 1/16 shorter. A few of them were rubbing on the cam lobes. But still a great idea.bought 16.This problem was the only one ever reported & has been resolved .
it did so far so good. thanks, bought 1
The rockerlocks are working great. I plan on buying a few more in case another arm falls off.they're still working strong after 1,300 miles. I think this idea you came up with is ingenious. Sure beats rebuilding the heads and upper engine parts. Thanks a million! bought 2
yes sir that solve the problem I was having I've had other issues with the truck but not related to your product excellent product and I am a diesel mechanic I do a lot of side jobs on cars for friends and stuff and have told a few people about this but most of them have already replaced the motor so I have been buying these motors that they have been taking out for nothing and taking them apart and it's the same thing I had put new lifters in the truck that I was driving and was not having an issue I sold it to an older mechanic friend of mine that is a quote Dodge man and he was crying about them being a extra part and didn't want them in there so when I traded him I took them out of that motor to shut him up about it I have fixed all three of the motors that I have bought with the keepers that I bought from you so now I have 3 Motors ready to be sold for basically free but anybody that has this issue I will definitely fix it and use your product when I need them cuz I only have 3 left once again brilliant idea.bought 16
We received this message april 6th 2018 from david L
put rocker locks in my parents dodge back in september of 2017. have not had one issue since then. highly recommend this product How did you hear about this site?
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awesome such a simple fix way to go i bet the engineers at chrysler are wishing they were as smart as you.
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these work on all 3.7 & 4.7 all years dodge,ram,jeep,durango,Dakota all Chrysler products with these motors.
The only problem I have found with rockerlocks is I never have no repeat customers [except auto shops], because once they buy these they never have another problem.
[watch video at bottom]
Rocker locks are a spring clip designed to hold the rocker arms in place on the Dodge Ram, Durango, Dakota & Jeep 4.7 V8 and the 3.7 V6, to alleviate the problem of falling rockers. This is a non moving part it just sits on the rocker arm & moves with it & holds the rocker arm in place.
I had this problem with my 03 Ram 4.7 & found out after calling around all the way to Chrysler corp that no one had a fix for it. So I set out to find one & I did, I designed a spring clip & put it on the 2 rockers [that fell off 3 times in 3 weeks]. I have had no problem since I installed the rockerlocks, The rockerlocks have been on now for about 4 months & 5,000 miles , the rocker arms are still on with no problems, these really work. It's now been about 6 months & around 8,000 thousand miles still running with no problems. Call me today if you are having problems or have questions, I now have my patent and am ready to sell & to help others with this problem. Let me help you save your truck as I did mine. Without these rocker locks my truck was junk. They saved my truck that I love and they are very affordable. Price is $15.00 ea or $12.00 ea in a full set. For a set of 12 for 3.7v6 or 16 for 4.7v8. That's only $144.00 or $192.00 a set. This is a very low price to pay to save your beautiful truck and to get you on the road again. It cost me much more developing these for my truck & worth every penny.I've been told it costs about $1,500.00 to have your heads rebuilt & almost always the same problem still persists. Call today be back on the road in no time. Any questions call Jim 816-274-2730. Feel free to leave a message if I no answer feel free to go email [] & leave comments or questions on the product. I guarantee these really work. This is the [best & only way] on how to fix rocker arms falling off that I have found [actually the only way]. Over 10,000 miles and counting and still running strong. These are all hand made: cut,drilled,bent to shape & heat treated to spring steel quality they are very tough. Order your rockerlocks today, be back on the road tomorrow. [We have now sold thousands of rockerlocks with no complaints! This tells me they are working great for everyone.]WE are sure these will fix your problem of rocker arms falling off.
. Also there is a minimum order of 2 pieces due to shipping & handling expenses.
[To order scroll down click on option you want at bottom of page then click buy now.]
Just wanted to let everyone know' both [mopar & wix oil filters] have check valves built in to hold the oil in the oil pump after shut down.So I would suggest using one of these filters no matter what you drive.This gets the oil pumping quicker on startups & helps protect your motor.
letters from happy customers
when asked did rockerlocks solve your problem
Sheldon-Canada-auto shop owner
So far so good. The only problem that we found was that the top part of the clip could be a 1/16 shorter. A few of them were rubbing on the cam lobes. But still a great idea.bought 16.This problem was the only one ever reported & has been resolved .
it did so far so good. thanks, bought 1
The rockerlocks are working great. I plan on buying a few more in case another arm falls off.they're still working strong after 1,300 miles. I think this idea you came up with is ingenious. Sure beats rebuilding the heads and upper engine parts. Thanks a million! bought 2
yes sir that solve the problem I was having I've had other issues with the truck but not related to your product excellent product and I am a diesel mechanic I do a lot of side jobs on cars for friends and stuff and have told a few people about this but most of them have already replaced the motor so I have been buying these motors that they have been taking out for nothing and taking them apart and it's the same thing I had put new lifters in the truck that I was driving and was not having an issue I sold it to an older mechanic friend of mine that is a quote Dodge man and he was crying about them being a extra part and didn't want them in there so when I traded him I took them out of that motor to shut him up about it I have fixed all three of the motors that I have bought with the keepers that I bought from you so now I have 3 Motors ready to be sold for basically free but anybody that has this issue I will definitely fix it and use your product when I need them cuz I only have 3 left once again brilliant idea.bought 16
We received this message april 6th 2018 from david L
put rocker locks in my parents dodge back in september of 2017. have not had one issue since then. highly recommend this product How did you hear about this site?
Internet Search
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awesome such a simple fix way to go i bet the engineers at chrysler are wishing they were as smart as you.
click on downbar then change number to amount you want if other than single piece.